Doctor Profile

Michael G. Kaplitt

Michael Kaplitt

Weill Cornell Medicine
1305 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021

New York

New York (NY)

Contact Contact Michael G. Kaplitt
T: 212-746-4966
F: 212-746-5592

Neurological Surgery

Neurological Surgery


Clinical ProfilePhone: 212-746-4966Address: Upper East Side: Main Campus525 East 68 StreetBox 99New York, NY 10065

Dr. Kaplitt combines surgical expertise with advanced training in state-of-the-art stereotactic techniques to provide patients with effective, minimally invasive treatments for degenerative disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia. He also uses these methods to provide novel treatments for psychiatric disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as for experimental treatment of major depression and drug addiction, and is using both. In addition, he is an expert in the use of implanted devices for the treatment of medication-resistant complex pain, spasticity, and adult hydrocephalus. Dr. Kaplitt is also an expert in various surgical therapies for trigeminal neuralgia as well as novel therapies for more complex craniofacial pain. He is recognized for his contributions by leading medical and patient associations, and has repeatedly been named to Castle Connolly’s America’s Top Doctors and New York Metro Top Doctors and regularly appears on the list of New York SuperDoctors. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, the society for physicians who specialize in this type of surgery. He is on the editorial board of several scientific and medical journals, including the journal Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, the primary international journal in this area, and the Journal of Neurosurgery, the oldest and most important journal in the field of neurological surgery.  

Dr. Kaplitt graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University in 1987 with a degree in Molecular Biology and Russian Studies. He enrolled in the Tri-Institutional M.D.-Ph.D. Program and received his Ph.D. in Molecular Neurobiology in 1993 from The Rockefeller University and his M.D. in 1995 from Cornell Medical College. Following his Neurosurgery residency and chief residency at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, he completed a fellowship in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery with Dr. Andres Lozano at the University of Toronto prior to joining our staff as Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery in July 2001. 


Dr. Kaplitt has pioneered human gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders, having performed as a student the first rodent study that used the adeno-associated virus (AAV) vehicle for gene transfer to the brain. He performed the world’s first human gene therapy procedure for Parkinson’s disease, and more recently helped to guide the first successful randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial of this experimental treatment, which was the first positive trial of this kind for gene therapy in any brain disorder. He is also pioneering the development of novel deep brain stimulation treatments for psychiatric diseases, including refractory drug addiction. Dr. Kaplitt is an internationally recognized expert in the science of gene therapy and molecular neurobiology, and his current focus is to understand molecular disease mechanisms and develop novel molecular therapies for Parkinson’s disease, depression, addiction, and pain. He has published over 100 articles and has edited two books on these subjects, with publications from his lab appearing in the most prestigious international journals, including Science, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and Lancet. His basic science lab has received funding from the National Institutes of Health since 2004 and has also been the recipient of major funding from the Department of Defense and several major private foundations.

Dr. Kaplitt is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Young Investigator Award from the American Society for Gene Therapy. In 2004 he was named to Crain’s "40 Under 40" list of 40 young New Yorkers, and in 2015 he was elected to membership in the prestigious American Society for Clinical Investigation, the honor society for scientists focused upon clinical and translational research.  He has also been elected to membership in the Society for Neurological Surgeons, the honor society for senior neurosurgeons.

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About Michael Kaplitt

Medical School: Cornell University, Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College

Graduation Year: 1995

Professional Webpage:

Honors and Awards:


Magna Cum Laude, Princeton University, 1987

Varsity Letter, Men's Swimming, Princeton University, 1987

National Research Service Award Graduate Fellowship, 1991-1993

1992 Albert Cass Traveling Fellowship

1994 Saul R. Korey Award for Experimental Neurology, American Academy of Neurology

1998 Distinguished Housestaff Award, The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center

2000 Fellowship Award, Medical Research Council of Canada

2001 Second place poster, The Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

2002 Elsberg Fellowship, The New York Academy of Medicine

2002 Ellison Foundation New Scholar in Aging Research

2004 Crain’s “40 Under 40” Award

2005 American Society for Gene Therapy Young Investigator Award

2005 Tara and Victor Menezes Clinical Scholar in Neurological Surgery


Society of Neurological Surgeons (Elected 2016)

American Society for Clinical Investigation (elected 2015)

18th Annual John Doppman Memorial Lecture, National Insitutes of Health, October 2018

Samuel Collela Lectureship, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, January 2013

Invited Lecture, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Genetics Seminar Series, Columbia       University School of Medicine, November 2012

12th Van Wagenen Memorial Professorship, The University of Rochester, June 2012

Inaugural Tammy Jo Holloman Annual Lectureship in Parkinson’s Disease, Methodist Hospital, Houston, May 2012

Chair, Program Committee, 2012 Neurosurgical Society of America Annual Meeting

Co-Chair, Committee on Psychiatric Neurosurgery, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2010-2012

Member, Emerging Technology Assessment Committee, North American Neuromodulation Society

Executive Council Member, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery and

AANS/CNS Joint Section on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (2006-2014)

Chair, Program Committee, 2010 American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Biennial meeting

Program and Organizing Committee, 2005 Quadrennial Meeting, World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Program Committee, 2003 Quadrennial Meeting, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Program Committee, 2001 Quadrennial Meeting, World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Professional Activity:

Faculty, 2018 NIH Neurotherapeutics Training Course

Member, Neurology Standing Committee, National Quality Forum

Invited Plenary Lecture, 2017 Karolinska Nobel Symposium on 100th Anniversary of James Parkinson

Board of Directors member, World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (May, 2013-Present)

Editorial Board Member, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Editorial Board Member, Basal Ganglia

Editorial Board Member, Future Neurology

Editorial Board Member, Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders

Executive Council Member, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery and AANS/CNS Joint Section on Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, (2006-2014)

Editor, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Newsletter (2012-2014)

Membership Chairman, American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (July, 2012-2014)

Program Chairman, 2012 Neurosurgical Society of America Annual Meeting

Member (Organized neurosurgery representative), Neurology Steering Committee, National Quality Forum

Program Committee Member, 2013 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

Member, Resident Course Committee, Society of Neurological Surgeons

Director, Northeast/MidAtlantic Regional Site, Society of Neurological Surgeons Annual Resident Training Course

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Hartman Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (2008-2012)

Full Member, NSD-K Study Section, NINDS, (Oct., 2005-June, 2010)

Program Chairman, 2010 American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Annual Meeting

Program Committee Member, 2009 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

Program Committee Member, 2010 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

Program Committee Member, 2011 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

Editor, World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Website, (Jan., 2001-Jan., 2007)

Temporary Member, NSD-K Study Section, NINDS, (Feb. 2003-June, 2005)

Member, Neural Disorders Committee, American Society for Gene Therapy, (June 2003-June, 2006)

Member, ZNS1 SRB-K Special Emphasis Panel, NINDS, (Oct., 2005)

Faculty Member, Cornell Salzburg Seminars in Neurological Surgery, (Oct. 2002-Present)

Scientific Review Committee, Neural Disorders, 2007 American Society for Gene Therapy Annual Meeting

Scientific Review Committee, 2006 Biennial meeting of the American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Program and Organizing Committee, 2005 Quadrennial meeting of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Program Committee, 2003 Quadrennial meeting of the American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Program Committee, 2001 Quadrennial Meeting, World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Neuroscience Letters

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Biological Psychiatry

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Neurosurgery

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Molecular Medicine

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Molecular Therapy

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Neurobiology of Disease

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neurosurgery

Ad Hoc Reviewer, World Neurosurgery

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Neuroscience

Publications, Lectures and Presentations:

Articles in Professional Peer-Reviewed Journals

1. Mobbs CV, Kaplitt MG, Kow L-M, Pfaff DW (1991) PLC-a: A common mediator of the actionof estrogen and other hormones? Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 80:C187-C191.

2. Kaplitt MG, Pfaus JG, Kleopoulos SP, Hanlon BA, Rabkin SD, Pfaff DW (1991) Expression of a functional foreign gene in adult mammalian brain following in vivo transfer via a herpes simplex virus type 1 defective viral vector. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 2:320-330.

3. Kaplitt MG, Rabkin SD, Pfaff DW (1992) Molecular alterations in nerve cells: Direct manipulation and physiologic mediation. Curr. Top. Neuroendocrinol. 11:169-191.

4. Kaplitt MG, Kleopoulos SP, Pfaff DW, Mobbs CV. (1993) Estrogen induces HIP-70/PLC-amessenger RNA in the uterus and ventromedial hypothalamus. Endocrinology 133:99-104.

5. Brooks PJ, Kaplitt MG, Kleopoulos SP, Funabashi T, Mobbs CV, Pfaff DW. (1993) Sensitive detection of low abundance RNAs by in situ hybridization using single-stranded DNA probes produced by amplified primer extension labeling. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 41:1761-1766.

6. Kaplitt MG, Kwong AD, Kleopoulos SP, Mobbs CV, Rabkin SD, Pfaff DW. (1994) Preproenkephalin promoter yields region-specific and long-term expression in adult rat brain following in vivo transfer via a defective herpes simplex viral vector. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91:8979-8983.

7. Kaplitt MG, Leone P, Samulski RJ, Xiao X, Pfaff DW, OMalley K, During MJ (1994) Long-term expression and phenotypic correction using adeno-associated virus vectors in the mammalian brain. Nature Gen. 8:148-154.

8. Kaplitt MG, Tjuvajev J, Leib DA, Berk J, Rabkin SD, Posner JB, Pfaff DW, Blasberg RG. (1994) Mutant herpes simplex virus induced regression of tumors growing in immunocompetent rats. J. Neuro-oncology 19:137-142.

9. Verhaagen J, Hermens W, Oestricher B, Rabkin SD, Pfaff DW, Gispen WH, Kaplitt MG (1994) Expression of B-50 (GAP43) via a defective herpes simplex virus vector yields morphological changes in cultured non-neuronal cells. Mol. Brain Res. 26:26-36

10. Dutt A, Kaplitt MG, Kow LM, Pfaff DW. (1994) Prolactin, CNS and Behavior, a critical review. Neuroendocrinol. 59:413-419.

11. Yin J, Kaplitt MG, Pfaff DW (1994) In situ PCR and in vivo detection of foreign gene expression in rat brain. Cell Vision 1:58-59.

12. Eizenberg O, Kaplitt MG, Eitan S, Pfaff DW, Hirschberg DL, Schwartz M. (1994) Linear dimeric interleukin-2 obtained by the use of a defective viral vector: conformation-activity relationship. Mol. Brain Res. 26:156-162.

13. Wood MJA, Byrnes A, Kaplitt MG, Pfaff DW, Rabkin SD, Charlton HD (1994) Specific pattern of defective HSV1 gene transfer in the adult central nervous system: Implications for gene targeting. Exp. Neurol. 130:127-140.

14. Rosenfeld MR, Meneses PM, Dalmau J, Drobnjak M, Cordon-Cardo C, Kaplitt MG (1995) Gene transfer of wild-type p53 results in restoration of tumor-suppressor function in a medulloblastoma cell line. Neurology 45:1533-1539.

15. Tjuvajev J, Gansbacher B, Desai R, Beattie B, Kaplitt MG, Matei C, Koutcher J, Gilboa E, Blasberg R. (1995) RG-2 glioma growth attenuation and severe brain edema caused by local production of interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma. Cancer Res. 55:1902-1910.

16. Holtmaat AJ, Hermens WT, Oestreicher AB, Gispen WH, Kaplitt MG, Verhaagen J. (1996) Efficient adenoviral vector directed expression of a foreign gene to neurons and sustentacular cells in the mouse olfactory neuroepithelium. Mol. Brain Res. 41:148-156.

17. Kaplitt M, Gouras GK, Makimura H, Jovanovic J, Sweeney D, Greengard P, Relkin NR, Gandy S. (1996) Apolipoprotein E, A beta-amyloid, and the molecular pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Therapeutic implications. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 802: 42-9.

18. Kaplitt MG, Xiao X, Samulski RJ, Li R, Ojamaa K, Klein IL, Makimura H, Kaplitt MJ, Strumpf RK, Diethrich EB (1996) Long-term gene transfer in porcine myocardium after coronary infusion of an adeno-associated virus vector. Ann. Thoracic Surg. 62(6): 1669-76.

19. Vogt L, Giger RJ, Ziegler U, Kunz B, Buchstaller A, Hermens W, Kaplitt MG, Rosenfeld MR, Pfaff DW, Verhagen J, Sonderegger P (1996) Continuous renewal of the axonal pathway sensor apparatus by insertion of new sensor molecules into the growth cone membrane. Current Biology 6(9): 1153-8.

20. Freese A, Stern M, Kaplitt MG, O'Connor WM, Abbey MV, O'Connor MJ, During MJ (1996) Prospects for gene therapy in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 11:469-488.

21. Freese A, During MJ, Davidson BJ, Gennarelli TA, Kaplitt MG, Flamm ES, Snyder PJ (1996) Transfection of human lactotroph adenoma cells with an adenovirus vector expressing tyrosine hydroxylase decreases prolactin release. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 81: 2401-4.

22. Freese A, Kaplitt MG, WM OC, Abbey M, Langer D, Leone P, MJ OC, During MJ (1997) Direct gene transfer into human epileptogenic hippocampal tissue with an adeno-associated virus vector: implications for a gene therapy approach to epilepsy. Epilepsia 38:759-66.

23. Holtmaat AW, Hermens V, Sonnemans MAF, Giger RJ, Van Leeuwen FW, Kaplitt MG, Oestreicher AB, Gispen WH, Verhaagen J (1997) Adenoviral Vector-Mediated Expression of B-50/GAP-43 Induces Alterations in the Membrane Organization of Olfactory Axon Terminals In Vivo. J Neurosci 17:6575-86.

24. Kaplitt MG, Makimura H (1997) Defective viral vectors as agents for gene transfer in the nervous system. J Neurosci Methods 71:125-32.

25. O’Connor WM, Davidson BL, Kaplitt MG, Abbey MV, During MJ, Leone P, Langer D, MJ O’Conner and Freese A (1997) Adenovirus vector-mediated gene transfer into human epileptogenic brain slices: prospects for gene therapy in epilepsy. Exp Neurol 148:167-78.

26. Rosenfeld MR, Bergman I, Schramm L, Griffin JA, Kaplitt MG, Meneses PI (1997). Adeno-associated viral vector gene transfer into leptomeningeal xenografts. J Neurooncol 34(2): 139-44.

27. Sugiyama A, Hattori S, Tanaka S, Isoda F, Kleopoulos S, Rosenfeld M, Kaplitt M, Sekihara H, Mobbs C (1997) Defective adeno-associated viral-mediated transfection of insulin gene by direct injection into liver parenchyma decreases blood glucose of diabetic mice. Horm Metab Res 29:599-603.

28. During MJ, Samulski RJ, Elsworth JD, Kaplitt MG, Leone P, Xiao X, Li J, Freese A, Taylor JR, Roth RH, Sladek JR, O'Malley KL, Redmond DE (1998) In vivo expression of therapeutic human genes for dopamine production in the caudates of MPTP-treated monkeys using an AAV vector. Gene Therapy 5:820-827.

29. Kaplitt MG, Darakchiev BJ, During MJ (1998) Prospects for gene therapy in pediatric neurosurgery. Pediatr Neurosurg 28:3-14.

30. During MJ, Xu R, Young D, Kaplitt MG, Sherwin RS, Leone P (1998) Peroral gene therapy of lactose intolerance using an adeno-associated virus vector. Nat Med 4:1131-1135.

31. Yin J, Kaplitt MG, Kwong AD, Pfaff DW (1998) In situ PCR for in vivo detection of foreign genes transferred into rat brain. Brain Res 783:347-354.

32. Kanno H, Hattori S, Sato H, Murata H, Huang FH, Hayashi A, Suzuki N, Yamamoto I, Kawamoto S, Minami M, Miyatake S, Shuin T, Kaplitt MG (1999) Experimental gene therapy against subcutaneously implanted glioma with a herpes simplex virus-defective vector expressing interferon-gamma. Cancer Gene Ther 6:147-154

33. Thomas DL, Shin S, Jiang BH, Vogel H, Ross MA, Kaplitt M, Shenk TE, Javier RT (1999) Early region 1 transforming functions are dispensable for mammary tumorigenesis by human adenovirus type 9. J Virol 73:3071-3079

34. Bilsky MH, Downey RJ, Kaplitt MG, Elowitz EH, Rusch VW (2001) Tension pneumocephalus resulting from iatrogenic subarachnoid-pleural fistulae: report of three cases. Ann Thorac Surg 71:455-457.

35. During MJ, Kaplitt MG, Stern MB, Eidelberg D (2001) Subthalamic GAD gene transfer in Parkinson’s disease patients who are candidates for deep brain stimulation. Hum Gene Ther 12:1589-1591.

36. Luo J, Kaplitt MG, Fitzsimons HL, Zuzga D, Raniga S, Oshinsky M, During MJ (2002) Subthalamic GAD gene therapy in a Parkinson’s disease rat model. Science 298:425-429.

37. Moussatov S, Roberts J, Pfaff D and Kaplitt, MG (2002) A cis-acting element that directs exclusively circular adeno-associated virus replication and packaging. J. Virol. 76:12792-12802.

38. Scott RE, Wu-Peng XS, Kaplitt MG, Pfaff DW (2003) Gene transfer and in vivo promoter analysis of the rat progesterone receptor using a herpes simplex virus viral vector. Mol. Brain Res. 114:91-100.

39. Hamani C, Saint-Cyr JA, Fraser J, Kaplitt M, Lozano AM (2004) The subthalamic nucleus in the context of movement disorders. Brain 127:4-20.

40. Musatov S, Roberts J, Brooks AI, Pena J, Betchen S, Pfaff DW and Kaplitt MG (2004). The PTEN anti-oncogene negatively regulates the neuronal phenotype in PC12 cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101:3627-3634.

41. Crystal RG, Sondhi D, Hackett NR, Kaminsky SM, Worgall S, Stieg P, Souweidane M, Hosain S, Heier L, Ballon D, Dinner M, Wisniewski K, Kaplitt M, Greenwald BM, Howell JD, Strybing K, Dyke J, Voss H (2004) Clinical protocol. Administration of a replication-deficient adeno-associated virus gene transfer vector expressing the human CLN2 cDNA to the brain of children with late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Hum. Gen. Ther. 15:1131-1154.

42. Arkin LM, Sondhi D, Worgall S, Suh LH, Hackett NR, Kaminsky SM, Hosain SA, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt MG, Dyke JP, Heier LA, Ballon DJ, Shungu DC, Wisniewski KE, Greenwald BM, Hollmann C, Crystal RG (2005) Confronting the issues of therapeutic misconception, enrollment decisions and personal motives in genetic medicine-based clinical research studies for fatal disorders. Hum. Gene Ther. 16:1028-1036.

43. Betchen S, Mousatov S, Roberts J, Pena J, Kaplitt MG (2006) PTEN inhibits adrenomedullin expression and function in glioma cells. J Neuroonc. 79:117-123.
44. Cooper L, Chan D, Roediger F, Shaffer B, Fraser J, Musatov S, Selesnick S, Kaplitt MG (2006) AAV-Mediated Delivery of the Caspase Inhibitor XIAP Protects Against Cisplatin Ototoxicity. Otology and Neurot., 27:484-490.
45. Musatov S, Chen W, Pfaff DW, Kaplitt MG, Ogawa S (2006) RNAi-mediated silencing of estrogen receptor a in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus abolishes female sexual behaviors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103:10456-10460.
46. Asanuma K, Tang C, Ma Y, Dhawan V, Mattis P, Edwards C, Kaplitt MG, Feigin A, Eidelberg D (2006) Network modulation in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Brain 129:2667-2678.
47. Musatov S, Chen W, Pfaff DW, Mobbs CV, Clegg D, Kaplitt MG, Ogawa S (2007) Silencing of estrogen receptor alpha in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus leads to a metabolic syndrome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104:2501-2506.

48. Emborg M, Carbon M, Holden JE, During MJ, Ma Y, Tang C, Moirano J, Fitzimmons H, Rotiberg BZ, Tuccar E, Roberts A, Kaplitt MG, Eidelberg D (2006) Subthalamic GAD Gene Therapy Changes Cortical Metabolism and Motor Function J Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 27:501-509.

49. Chan D, Lieberman D, Mousatov S, Selesnick S, Kaplitt MG (2007) Protection against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity by AAV-mediated delivery of the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) is not dependent on caspase inhibition. Otology and Neurot., 28:417-425.

50. Kaplitt MG, Feigin A, Tang C, Fitzsimons H, Mattis P, Lawlor P, Bland RJ, Young D, Strybing K, Eidelberg D, During MJ (2007) Safety and Tolerability of AAV-GAD Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease: An open-label, phase I trial. Lancet, 369:2097-2105.

51. Wargall S, Kekatpure MV, Heier L, Ballon D, Dyke JP, Shungu D, Mao X, Kosofsky B, Kaplitt MG, Souweidane MM, Sondhi D, Hackett NR, Hollmann C, Crystal RG (2007) Neurological deterioration in late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Neurology, 69:521-35.

52. Feigin A*, Kaplitt MG*, Tang C, Lin T, Dhawan V, During MJ, Eidelberg, D (2007). Modulation of Metabolic Brain Networks Following Subthalamic Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104:19559-19564.

53. Worgall S, Sondhi D, Hackett NR, Kosofsky B, Kekatpure MV, Neyzi N, Dyke JP, Ballon D, Heier L, Greenwald BM, Christos P, Mazumdar M, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt MG, Crystal RG. (2008) Treatment of Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis by CNS Administration of a Serotype 2 Adeno-Associated Virus Expressing CLN2 cDNA. Human Gene Ther 19:463-474.

54. Schultz K, von Esenwein SA, Hu M, Bennett AL, Kennedy RT, Musatov S, Toran-Allerand CD, Kaplitt MG, Young LJ, Becker JB. (2009) Viral Vector Mediated Over-Expression of Estrogen Receptor-a in Striatum Enhances the Estradiol-Induced Motor Activity in Female Rats and Estradiol Modulated GABA Release. J Neurosci, 29:1897-1903.

55. Liu W, Vives-Bauza C, Acin-Perez R, Yamamoto A, Tan Y, Li Y, Magrane J, Stavarache MA, Shaffer S, Chang S, Kaplitt MG, Huang XY, Beal MF, Manfredi G, Li C (2009) PINK1 Defect Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Proteasomal Deficit and Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation in Cell Culture Models of Parkinson’s Disease. PLoS One 4(2):e4597.

56. Pourfar M, Tang C, Lin T, Dhawan V, Kaplitt MG, Eidelberg D (2009) Assessing the Microlesion Effect of Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery with FDG PET. J Neurosurg 110:1278-1282.

57. Johnson F and Kaplitt MG (2009) Novel Mitochondrial Substrates of Omi Indicate a New Regulatory Role in Neurodegenerative Disorders. PLoS One 4(9):e7100.

58. Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, DeSalles A, Chung S, Shetter A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W, Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K, Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N; SANTE Study Group (2010) Electrical Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus for Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy. Epilepsia. 51(5):899-908.

59. Souweidane M, Fraser J, Arkin L, Sondhi D, Hackett NR, Kaminsky S, Heier L, Kosofsky B, Crystal RG, Kaplitt MG. (2010) Gene Therapy for Late Infantile Ceroid Lipofuscinosis: Neurosurgical Consideration. J Neurosurg Pediatr 6:115-22.

60. Alexander B, Warner-Schmidt J, Eriksson T, Tamminga C, Ghose S, Arango-Llievano M, Vernov M, Stavarche M, Musatov S, Flajolet M, Svenningsson P, Greengard P, Kaplitt MG. (2010) Reversal of Depressed Behaviors by p11 Gene Therapy in the Nucleus Accumbens, Science Trans Med, 2:54ra76.

61. Katzen H, Ravdin LD, Assuras S, Heros R, Kaplitt M, Schwartz TH, Fink M, Levin BE, Relkin NR. (2011) Post-shunt cognitive and functional improvement in idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH). Neurosurgery, 68:416-419.

62. Gürsel DB, Beyene RT, Hofstetter C, Greenfield JP, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt M, Arango-Lievano M, Howard B, Boockvar JA. (2011) Optimization of glioblastoma multiforme stem cell isolation, transfection and transduction. J Neurooncol, 104:509-522

63. LeWitt PA, Rezai AR, Leehey MA, Ojemann SG, Flaherty AW, Eskandar EN, Kostyk SK, Thomas K, Sarkar A, Siddiqui MS, Tatter SB, Schwalb JM, Poston KL, Henderson JM, Kurlan RM, Richard IH, Van Meter L, Sapan C, During M, Kaplitt MG, Feigin A (2011) A randomized multicenter double-blind clinical trial of AAV-GAD gene therapy for advanced Parkinson’s disease. Lancet Neurol, 10(4):309-319.

64. Mure H, Tang CC, Argyelan M, Ghilardi MF, Kaplitt MG, Diwan V, Eidelberg D (2012) Improved sequence learning with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: evidence for treatment-specific network. J Neurosci, 32:2804-2813..

65. Warner-Schmidt JL, Schmidt EF, Dupre C, Marshall JJ, Arango-Lievano M, Kaplitt MG, Heintz N, Greengard P (2012) Cholinergic interneurons in the nucleus accumbens regulate depression-like behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:11360-11365.

66. Sondhi D, Johnson L, Purpura K, Monette S, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt MG, Kosofsky B, Yohay K, Ballon D, Dyke J, Kaminksy SM, Hackett NR, Crystal RG (2012) Long-Term Expression and Safety of Administration of AAVrh.10hCLN2 to the Brain of Rats and Nonhuman Primates for the Treatment of Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Hum Gene Ther Methods 23:324-335.

67. Dyke JP, Sondhi D, Voss HU, Shungu DC, Mao X, Yohay K, Worgall S, Hackett NR, Hollmann C, Yeotsas ME, Jeong AL, Van de Graaf B, Cao I, Kaminsky SM, Heier LA, Rudser KD, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt MG, Kosofsky B, Crystal RG, Ballon D (2013) Assessment of Disease Severity in Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Using Multiparametric MR Imaging. Am J Neuroradiol, 34:884-889.

68. Eriksson TM, Alvarsson A, Stan TL, Zhang X, Hascup KN, Hascup ER, Kehr J, Gerhardt GA, Warner-Schmidt J, Arango-Lievano M, Kaplitt MG, Ogren SO, Greengard P, Svenningsson P (2013) Bidirectional regulation of emotional memory by 5-HT(1B) receptors involves hippocampal p11. Mol Psychiatry, 18:1096-1105.

69. Malhotra VT, Root J, Kesselbrenner J, Njoku I, Cubert K, Gulati A, Puttanniah V, Bilsky M, Kaplitt M. (2013) Intrathecal pain pump infusions for intractable cancer pain: an algorithm for dosing without a neuraxial trial. Anesth Analg, 116:1364-1370

70. Liu T, Eskreis-Winkler S, Schweitzer AD, Chen W, Kaplitt MG, Tsiouris AJ, Wang Y (2013) Improved subthalamic nucleus depiction with quantitative susceptibility mapping. Radiology, 269:216-223

71. Kaplitt MG (2013) Spinal cord stimulation for vegetative state: is this ready for prime time? Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, 91:288-289.

72. Orlin A, Sondhi D, Witmer MT, Wessel MM, Mezey JG, Kaminsky SM, Hackett NR, Yohay K, Kosofsky B, Souweidane MM, Kaplitt MG, D'Amico DJ, Crystal RG, Kiss S (2013) Spectrum of ocular manifestations in CLN2-associated batten (Jansky-Bielschowsky) disease correlate with advancing age and deteriorating neurological function. PLoS One 8:e73128.

73. Haws ME, Jaramillo TC, Espinosa-Becerra F, Widman A, Stuber GD, Sparta DR, Tye KM, Russo SJ, Parada LF, Stavarache M, Kaplitt M, Bonci A, Powell CM (2014) PTEN knockdown alters dendritic spine/protrusion morphology, not density. J Comp Neurol, 522:1171-1190.

74. Nuttin B, Wu H, Mayberg H, Hariz M, Gabriëls L, Galert T, Merkel R, Kubu C, Vilela-Filho O, Matthews K, Taira T, Lozano AM, Schechtmann G, Doshi P, Broggi G, Régis J, Alkhani A, Sun B, Eljamel S, Schulder M, Kaplitt M, Eskandar E, Rezai A, Krauss JK, Hilven P, Schuurman R, Ruiz P, Chang JW, Cosyns P, Lipsman N, Voges J, Cosgrove R, Li Y, Schlaepfer T (2014) Consensus on guidelines for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 85:1003-1008.

75. Plotkin JL, Day M, Peterson JD, Xie Z, Kress GJ, Rafalovich I, Kondapalli J, Gertler TS, Flajolet M, Greengard P, Stavarache M, Kaplitt MG, Rosinski J, Chan CS, Surmeier DJ (2014) Impaired TrkB receptor signaling underlies corticostriatal dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Neuron 83:178-188.

76. Ko JH, Feigin A, Mattis PJ, Tang CC, Ma Y, Dhawan V, During MJ, Kaplitt MG, Eidelberg D (2014) Network modulation following sham surgery in Parkinson's disease. J Clin Investig 124:3656-3666.

77. Kovanlikaya I, Heier L, Kaplitt M (2014) Treatment of Chronic Pain: Diffusion Tensor Imaging Identification of the Ventroposterolateral Nucleus Confirmed with Successful Deep Brain Stimulation. Stereotactic Func Neurosurg, 92:365-371.

78. Sagi Y, Heiman M, Peterson JD, Musatov S, Kaplitt MG, Surmeier DJ, Heintz N, Greengard P (2014) Nitric oxide regulates synaptic transmission between spiny projection neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 111:17636-17641.

79. Arango-Lievano M, Schwarz J, Vernov M, Gelfand Y, Wilkinson MB, Badbury K, Feliz A, Marongiu R, Warner-Schmidt J, Greengard P, Russo S, Kaplitt MG (2014) Cell-type specific expression of p11 controls cocaine reward. Biol Psychiatry, 76:794-801.

80. Gürsel DB, Banu MA, Berry N, Marongiu R, Burkhardt JK, Kobylarz K, Kaplitt MG, Rafii S, Boockvar JA (2015) Tight regulation between cell survival and programmed cell death in GBM stem-like cells by EGFR/GSK3b/PP2A signaling. J Neurooncol, 121:19-29.

81. Salgado S and Kaplitt MG (2015) The Nucleus Accumbens: A Comprehensive Review. Stereotactic Func Neurosurg, 93:75-93.

82. Stavarache M, Musatov S, McGill M, Vernov M, Kaplitt MG (2015) The tumor suppressor PTEN regulates motor responses to dopamine in normal and parkinsonian animals. Neurobiol Dis 82:487-494

83. Virk MS, Sagi Y, Medrihan L, Leung J, Kaplitt MG, Greengard P. (2016) Opposing roles for serotonin in cholinergic neurons of the ventral and dorsal striatum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(3):734-9

84. Schintu N, Zhang X, Alvarsson A, Marongiu R, Kaplitt MG, Greengard P, Svenningsson P.
(2016) p11 modulates L-DOPA therapeutic effects and dyskinesia via distinct cell types in experimental Parkinsonism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 113:1429-1434.

85. Marongiu R, Arango-Lievano M, Francardo V, Morgenstern P, Zhang X, Cenci MA, Svenningsson P, Greengard P, Kaplitt MG. (2016) Gene therapy blockade of dorsal striatal p11 improves motor function and dyskinesia in parkinsonian mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 113:1423-1428

86. Niethammer M, Tang CC, LeWitt PA, Rezai AR, Leehey MA, Ojemann SG, Flaherty AW, Eskandar EN, Kostyk SK, Sarkar A, Siddiqui MS, Tatter SB, Schwalb JM, Poston KL, Henderson JM, Kurlan RM, Richard IH, Sapan CV, Eidelberg D, During MJ, Kaplitt MG, Feigin A. (2017) Long-term follow-up of a randomized AAV2-GAD gene therapy trial for Parkinson's disease. JCI Insight 2(7):e90133.

87. Wang Y, Spincemaille P, Liu Z, Dimov A, Deh K, Li J, Zhang Y, Yao Y, Gillen KM, Wilman AH, Gupta A, Tsiouris AJ, Kovanlikaya I, Chiang GC, Weinsaft JW, Tanenbaum L, Chen W, Zhu W, Chang S, Lou M, Kopell BH, Kaplitt MG, Devos D, Hirai T, Huang X, Korogi Y, Shtilbans A, Jahng GH, Pelletier D, Gauthier SA, Pitt D, Bush AI, Brittenham GM, Prince MR. (2017) Clinical quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM): Biometal imaging and its emerging roles in patient care. J Mag Reson Imaging 46:951-971.

88. Chazen JL, Sarva H, Stieg PE, Min RJ, Ballon DJ, Pryor KO, Riegelhaupt P, Kaplitt MG (2018) Clinical improvement associated with targeted interruption of the cerebellothalamic tract following MR-guided focused ultrasound for essential tremor. J Neurosurg, 129:315-323.

89. Kelm-Nelson CA, Brauer AFL, Barth KJ, Lake JM, Sinnen MLK, Stehula FJ, Muslu C, Marongiu R, Kaplitt MG, Ciucci MR (2018) Characterization of early-onset motor deficits in the Pink1-/- mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. Brain Res, 1680:1-12.

90. Rosenberg J, Kaplitt M, De B, Chen A, Flagiello T, Salami C, Pey E, Zhao L, Ricart Arbona R, Monette S, Dyke J, Ballon D, Kaminsky S, Sondhi D, Petsko G, Paul S, Crystal R (2018) AAV.rh10-Mediated ApoE2 CNS Gene Therapy for ApoE4-Associated Alzheimer’s Disease. Hum Gene Ther, 29:24-47.

91. Fishman PS, Elias WJ, Ghanouni P, Gwinn R, Lipsman N, Schwartz M, Chang JW, Taira T, Krishna V, Rezai A, Yamada K, Igase K, Cosgrove R, Kashima H, Kaplitt MG, Tierney TS, Eisenberg HM (2018) Neurological adverse event profile of magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor. Mov Disord, 33:843-847.

92. Neithammer M, Tang CC, Vo A, Nguyen N, Spetsieris P, Dhawan V, Ma Y, Small M, Feigin A, During M, Kaplitt MG, Eidelberg D (2018) Gene therapy reduces Parkinson’s disease symptoms by reorganizing functional brain connectivity. Sci Transl Med 10:469

93. Stavarache MA, Petersen N, Jurgens E, Milsteiin E, Rosenfeld ZB, Ballon DJ, Kaplitt MG (2018) Focused Ultrasound Mediates Safe and Stable Non-Invasive Focal Gene Delivery to the Mammalian Brain. J Neurosurg, 130:989-998.

94. Levi Chazen J, Stradford T, Kaplitt MG. (2019) Cranial MR-guided Focused Ultrasound for Essential Tremor: Technical Considerations and Image Guidance. Clin Neuroradiol, 29:351-357.

95. Carillo-Reid L, Day M, Xie Z, Melendez, AE, Kondapalli J, Plotkin JL, Wokosin D, Chen Y, Kress GJ, Kaplitt MG, Guzman JN, Chan CS, Surmeier DJ. (2019) Mutant huntingtin enhances activation of dendritic Kv4 K+ channels in striatal spiny projection neurons. eLife, 8:e40818.

96. Kaplitt MG (2019) Gene targeting approaches for movement disorders: Recent advances. Curr Opin Neurol 32:566-570.

97. Weidman EK, Kaplitt MG, Strybing K, Chazen JL. Repeat magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for recurrent essential tremor: case report and review of MRI findings. J Neurosurg, In press.

98. D'Souza M, Chen K, Rosenberg J, Elias W, Eisenberg H, Gwinn R, Taira T, Chang JW, Lipsman N, Krishna V, Igase K. Yamada K, Kishima H, Cosgrove R, Rumià J, Kaplitt M, Hirabayashi H, Nandi D, Henderson J, Pauly KB, Dayan M, Halpern C, Ghanouni P. Impact of Skull Density Ratio on Efficacy and Safety of Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Essential Tremor. J Neurosurg, In Press.

99. Parker W, Weidman E, Chazen JL, Niogi S, Uribe-Cardenas R, Kaplitt MG, Hoffman C. Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound for Ablation of Mesial Temporal Epilepsy Circuits: Modeling and Theoretical Feasibility of a Novel Non-Invasive Approach. J Neurosurg, In press.


The vice chair for research talks about his clinical practice, research, and leading-edge treatments for movement disorders

Dr. Michael Kaplitt: Movement Disorders,

Educational Background:

A.B. (Molecular Biology), Princeton University, 1983-1987      

Certificate of Proficiency in Russian Studies,  Princeton University, 1987

Univ. of Rochester Medical School, 1987-1989

Ph.D.,  The Rockefeller University, 1993

M.D., Cornell University, 1995

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